Nice try.
Maybe a few years back sir, but now adays you actually have to try when you make something like this.
As someone who is incredibly impatient, I absolutely hate status bars. I was hoping for some sort of humorous commentary along those lines. Sadly, I was disappointed.
Status Bars 3 through 5 seemed to move at almost the exact same pace. I was figuring 5 would atleast take a couple minutes. Something really ungodly. And the bonus level should've done something really horrible, like slowing to a stop, sitting there, then maybe backing up a quarter of the way, sitting there some more, and then continuing on. You know, something creative.
The picture didn't bother me. If you drew it, good for you. Try animating now.
And just so you know, its "You're", not "your". As in, "You are a Pussy".
You get a 1, because you succeeded in disappointing me, just not in the way that you wanted to. Better luck next time.